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YBLC Mentorship Program Registration

Register here!

Purpose| The purpose of the YBLC mentorship program is to provide advice, access to resources, guidance, and leadership to aspiring lawyers

Mentorship Generally| YBLC aims to serve as role models and mentors to aspiring lawyers generally. With that, the YBLC mentorship program includes:

  • Speaking engagements at high schools, colleges, or law schools in North Carolina

  • Hosting events or programs for aspiring lawyers

  • Providing academic and networking resources to persons interested in law school and/or becoming a lawyer

1 on 1| YBLC aims to provide targeted 1 on 1 mentorship to aspiring lawyers by pairing mentees and mentors based on common interests and goals. YBLC 1 on 1 mentorship may include:

  • Networking

  • Virtual meetings/In Person Meetings

  • Attending events

  • Lunch meetups

  • Communication via text, email, phone calls, etc.

  • Providing access to information

Mentor Requirements:

  1. Be a YBLC Member

  2. Meet with mentee monthly either virtually or in person

  3. Attend at least 2 general mentorship program events

  4. Be a resource to your mentee and provide support as needed

  5. Commit to being a mentor for the duration of the 2024 calendar year

We expect mentees to be assigned by early Spring.

Application deadline: March 1, 2024 at 11:59 PM

December 14

Holiday Party

February 13

YBLC Mentee Application