Register here!
Purpose| The purpose of the YBLC mentorship program is to provide advice, access to resources, guidance, and leadership to aspiring lawyers
Mentorship Generally| YBLC aims to serve as role models and mentors to aspiring lawyers generally. With that, the YBLC mentorship program includes:
Speaking engagements at high schools, colleges, or law schools in North Carolina
Hosting events or programs for aspiring lawyers
Providing academic and networking resources to persons interested in law school and/or becoming a lawyer
1 on 1| YBLC aims to provide targeted 1 on 1 mentorship to aspiring lawyers by pairing mentees and mentors based on common interests and goals. YBLC 1 on 1 mentorship may include:
Virtual meetings/In Person Meetings
Attending events
Lunch meetups
Communication via text, email, phone calls, etc.
Providing access to information
Mentor Requirements:
Be a YBLC Member
Meet with mentee monthly either virtually or in person
Attend at least 2 general mentorship program events
Be a resource to your mentee and provide support as needed
Commit to being a mentor for the duration of the 2024 calendar year
We expect mentees to be assigned by early Spring.
Application deadline: March 1, 2024 at 11:59 PM